April 21, 2017

Jade T. Hunter


stracwingsJADE T. HUNTER©stracwings


Jade is a Small Business Owner, Writer, Consultant, Muse¹ and Living Lucky Charm

This website continuously evolves as it is a reflection of Jade.  She is continuously expanding and enhancing her own life and this website reflects that truth.  You will be able to find pieces of Jade’s writing on this site and anything else she finds herself participating in worthy of sharing.

Jade is receptive to Speaking Engagements

“What’s NEW with you Jade?”
Jade began a BRAND NEW adventure mid-winter 2016 by launching:

Hawkeye NDT Services®/HNS.  


SPRING 2017 welcomed Jade by selecting her as an Ambassador for the




“Jade… who are you and why do you have a…. website? “


                                                                                           Jade T. Hunter has been writing and publishing for over twenty years.  Jade has been published in local publications such as the Greeley Tribune, Denver Post, several books as herself & as a contributing Ghostwriter, and multiple scholarly & editorial articles.

Jade began focusing her writing energies into the WordPress platform in 2007.  Several years later, 2010,  brought the combat deployment of her husband into Iraq as a Combat Medic for the U.S. Army  (OIF).  This event was the catalyst for Jade to apply herself to a full force presence online and shift her focus into assisting our servicemen and women by creating her own opportunity to become part of the support efforts addressing the difficulties veterans and transitioning military were experiencing at “epidemic” levels with disastrous ramifications rippling out and into all public and private cross-sections of our society.

The “epidemic” transitioned itself into an ongoing and growing crisis that is offensively and immorally ignored by our government and our citizens.

 Jade fell back into a familiar strategy of deciding to “do” what she could by applying her skill set into operating a website for 5 years dedicated to providing hiring opportunities,  notification of assistance programs specifically for the military & veterans provided via the private business sector and disseminating information becoming a one woman informational point of contact.  Her website became an important “online hub” and to this day when a resource, program or message needs to be transmitted to military and veterans she is contacted to “pass the word”.

Jade provides all her skills gratis to military and veterans.  

“You still help the veterans AND you offer IT Consulting and Management services?

Yes!  Jade continues to write and publish yet, she has shifted her attention away from exclusively focusing on military/ veteran topics.   Jade successfully expanded professionally by parlaying her years of  IT experience into Retail Website Development, Strategic and Stealthy SEO,  Digital Marketing, Social Media Martial Arts, Digital Efficacy, and Consulting services for the aforementioned areas of IT.

Jade provides IT Consultation & Management services for retail clientele.

“You started HawkEye NDT Services last winter too?”

Yes.  Jade is the Managing and a Founding partner in Hawkeye NDT Services® which can be contacted:

” What is it you do as an Ambassador for the U.S. Pain Foundation?”

Jade is a newly assigned Ambassador for the U.S. Pain Foundation and will perform local outreach activities to include speaking to various professional and public groups in Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming about Chronic Pain and share the resources of the U.S. Pain Foundation which is a registered 501 (c)3 non-profit organization “dedicated to serving those who live with pain conditions and their care providers.  We are here to help individuals find resources and inspiration“.

Jade’s intention as an Ambassador will be aimed at educating and inspiring chronic pain patients/CPP, their families and loved ones about chronic pain and the hopeFILLED potential that they too can experience for themselves.

 In addition, Jade ambitiously intends to educate and work cooperatively WITH lawmakers about the NEW and rushed legislative activities spreading like a wildfire state by state,  intended for and specifically restricting chronic pain patient’s/CPP access to prescription medications.   This over-reach by the government is harming responsible CCP by directly interfering and limiting the doctor’s ability to provide proper medical care to their patient.  Yes, there is an issue of medications finding their way into the “street market” yet, those channels are not occupied by the responsible CPP.

Chronic pain patients are being villainized and harmed by the restriction to appropriate medical treatment that involves medication.    Bad actors in the pharmaceutical distribution networks, pill mill clinics and addicts passing themselves off as pain patients are the source of this diversion problem.

Jade is inspired to tackle this issue and use her own life experience as proof that the responsible CPP exists and we need to be exempt from these reactionary and inflammatory freak outs over medicine.

 Hopefully Jade will inspire other pain patients to recover, reclaim, and embrace their personal lives.  Our lives, as people who live every day, all day,  with severe pain, are still valuable.   We can be and ARE active contributing members of our communities; we continue in and advance our careers and education,  we are loving attentive parents & spouses,  we can find, create and cultivate emotionally, spiritually, physically active &  healthy lives as we look AND feel good about ourselves!  We are not “quitters”, “lazy” or “checked out”.  We are your neighbors, bosses, employees, teachers…family and friends.  We are everywhere. 

 We are EVERYONE.  

We are the same as you except for one detail:

We differ only because we live with severe pain that never ever stops.

“How do I contact you?”

contact Jade at:

www.linkedin.com :  jadeThunter


Origin 1350-1400; Middle English Muse < Middle French 

  1. any goddess presiding over a particular art.
  2. 2.(sometimes lowercase) the goddess or the power regarded as inspiring a poet, artist, thinker, or the like.
  3. 3.(lowercase) the genius or powers characteristic of a poet


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